Portfolio (Featured projects)

Climb Web Application

Bogota/ Colombia

Date: March 2020 - Present

Development and support for an web application call it CLIMB 2.0 orientend to, Animal Care, veterinary Animal Health, study management and research team and lab management.
The architecture of this app:

  • Frontend: Angular JS version 8, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, breeze.
  • Backend: web api .NET, odata, ADO, entity framework
  • Database: SQL, sql server, multitenant apps with multiple databases, sql sharding, factory patterns for migrations control.
  • Work with git, github, azure devops.


Medellin/ Colombia

Date: July 2019 - Present

Automated Substation Management Equipment System is a complete system that can communicated all equipments of all electrical subestacions of ISA in Colombia, one component it’s a web application where the users can monitoring and get information about fails, parameters, and other information about these equipements.
The information is classified by the differents ISA’s substations, each substation has a SAGES in local mode in a Management PC and this PC has a database, this database sends all information for a central server, where the user can control all electrical information of Colombia electrical System.
This application has differents technologies implemented, in the backend has ASP.Net and Java, ORM Entity Framework and Nhibernate, and in the frontend has Kendo, HTML5, CSS3, responsive design, JQuery. This applications has different services for differents functionalities.


Strongbox Web Application

Bogota/ Colombia

Date: September 2018 - January 2020

Support for an web application call it Strongbox that works as a informatic system for several medical consultories to organize diferent processes like payments, transactions, information among others. This application is developed in .Net specifictly in webforms tecnology. I have to use frontend development as HTML5, CSS3, Jquery and JS too, the strongbox's webside was developed in a Content Managment System (Wordpress) and I have to give support to this webside too.


Sarepta Web Application

Bogota/ Colombia

Date: January2019 - Present

Creation of an Application for an Odontology Consultory that represent a informatic solution for this enterprise, based on .Net technology usgin specifictly ASP.NET Core MVC 5, SQl server for the foundation and creation of Sareptas's database, use of entity framework, frontend deveploment like HTML5, CSS3,JS and JQuery. This Application gives a solution and organizes for an clinical Histories for all sarepta's patients, organize the payments off all clients too and represent a more eficient development for the company.


RAHM Medium Hybrid Environmental Robot

Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil

Date: October 2013 -October 2015

Participation in the development of an amphibious robotic prototype, RAHM´s mission is the environmental exploration around the pipeline (Cuari - Manaus) in the Brazilian Amazon. This prototype has an autonomous navigation system, based on multiple sensors and specialized equipment for making decisions by itself.

For more information: RAHM

Proyecto RAHM

StarsCream Teleoperated Robot


Date: July 2010

You can watch at: StarsCream

Teleoperated Robotics prototype through a Joystick, its principal mission is to explore inhospitable and dangerous terrain for a human, thanks to its communication technology Bluethooth, this robot can be controlled a mile away and through his camera incorporated its possible to see everything arround, also has a manipulator for the grip of objects.

Winner Project at Campus Bot of Campus Party 2010 Colombia

Proyecto StarsCream

¿Do we create something together?